Monday, August 30, 2010

Be your own boss

We all know the benefits of owning your own work-at-home business are plentiful.  You can set your own hours, you control your paycheck, you can stay home with your children, there's no worry of being fired...the list goes on and on.  Often, the problem is getting started.  It can be quite costly and time consuming to start a business.  You have to have a website, inventory, advertising, etc.  What if you had an opportunity to own your own business for less than $300?  Would you take it?  What if it was a business where you could help people preserve their family traditions and remember loved ones?   If you're interested in earning extra income for your family, while still being able to spend time with them, you're in luck!  I'm looking for strong, family oriented women to join my team!  Education, sales experience, design experience, none of it matters!  Anyone can do this business! All you need is a willingness to share the passion of Heritage Makers! Sound good?  Email me now!

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Last night we had our team's Reunion re-cap call. We talked about the new products (which I've already shown you), there were also several announcements made.

As of right now, all printing is done in house with the exception of the 8x8 board books. This is super exciting because it means quicker production/shipping times! The shipping times were one of the biggest complaints, so this is wonderful! We spoke and they listened! Gotta love that! :)

We also got a beautiful new catalog. Complete with new art, templates, and LOWER PRICES! Woohoo! Another benefit of bringing things in house. :)

One more thing...we've done away with "credits" and are now working on a "points" system. This means that instead of buying a credit for a specific product, you'll buy points that can be used for anything you want! This is much simpler, and works really well for those of that change our minds often. :)

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Amazing stories

Check out these amazing stories and you'll see what makes Heritage Makers different.  We're not about having parties and selling you stuff you don't need.  We're about preserving family history.  We're about remembering loved ones.  We're about celebrating traditions.  Heritage Makers is so much more than just a party-plan business.  We're changing people's lives.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

New sets are here!

The new sets are in Studio and ready to go!  Here are a few of my favorites...

There are 31 new sets in total, and new templates to go with it!  Head on over to my website to check out all the new stuff!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Better late than never....

I've been so busy trying to find us a new place to live, I've been slacking on my blogging duties.  :(  Sorry! Better late than never though, right?! 

August Pick of the Month: Jewelry!!  Bracelets are now $33.95 ($29.95 if you're a Club Premier member)
Necklaces are now $27.95 ($24.95 if you have Club Premier)  After August the jewelry will no longer be available.  You can still use the credits you buy this month until October 28th though.  So stock up now!!

Check out our August Host Rewards too!  The rewards can be obtained by hosting a live workshop, a virtual workshop, or a "workshop in a bag".  Email me for details! :)

Don't forget about the promo for my blog readers: 2 hours of free design time with any purchase until August 12th! 

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's almost time!

It's almost Reunion time!  Unfortunately I'm not able to attend this year, but I'm still excited about it!  I can't wait to see what new products they'll add this year.  We've already gotten a sneak peek of all the gorgeous artwork they'll be revealing...but I have no clue what kinds of products we'll be getting.  I know I'll be stalking Facebook waiting for updates from my team members who will be there! :)  And of course, I'll share with you as soon as I find out.  :)  Make sure you follow me here, and "like" me on Facebook to get all the latest news!  :)