Sunday, November 28, 2010

Dry Erase Calendar

Yesterday I whipped up this adorable little calendar.  The new UV Coating option makes it dry-erase!   I used the 11x14 print, which retails for $4.95, I also used only Basic (free) art.  This makes a super affordable and personal holiday gift!  I can send the template to your account, or you can send me your photos and color preferences and I can make it for you for $5 more!  :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The sound of settling...

We're finally starting to settle into our new apartment.  It's wonderful!  I really dreaded moving into an apartment, because I've heard horror stories.  Plus, I wanted lots of space and yard and all that jazz.  But I have to admit, I've been very pleasantly surprised.  We're on the "terrace" level, so when you come in from the parking lot, it's down a level.  Which means it's nice and quiet!  We don't hear any noise from the parking lot at all.  Our patio backs up to this little nature area with pretty trees and a little creek.  The location is great too!  Everything we could need or want is right down the street.  Oh, did I mention we have a dishwasher!?  I haven't had a dishwasher in like 3 years!  It's glorious.

R loves her new school too, which is a HUGE relief.  That was the biggest factor in finding a house, and the main reason we ended up "settling" for an apartment.  This school is amazing.  Everyone is warm, welcoming, and helpful.  There's a diverse population - racially and socioeconomically.  Parent involvement is high too. Our first event is a cultural festival this Thursday night.  It should be fun.  :)

Life is good!